How does an EssentialCare service agreement support your laboratory equipment?

Plan your preventive maintenance (PM) proactively and get this essential annual activity to restore your equipment to factory specifications.

Is PM all you need? Do you prefer to have your PM visit scheduled rather than ad hoc?

Our OptiRun service engineer will conduct a full diagnostic on your system, perform all necessary maintenance and verification work, and issue a visit report for your records.

All parts, travel, and labor costs for PMs are included; additional fees apply for replacement parts not included in PM kit.

In addition to prescheduling and priority response, you receive a preferred price compared to a standard ad hoc PM visit.

EssentialCare plans for research provide preventive maintenance for your laboratory equipment



12-month risk sharing contract with capped repair cost

Full coverage No
Labor and travel for repair outside of PM No
Repair parts not included in PM No
Response times1 Per agreement
Duration 12 months
Preventive maintenance visit 1× annually
  • 1 May vary by product type and region
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